How in your view the breakfast in botanical garden would appear?
What the most unusual your employees have been doing in the last year?
Where else and in what else places or situations apart from botanical garden did you see flowers in philosophical sence in the last year?
What a book about flowers you can recommend and to the man of which age you would recommend it?
How scenic theater play in the garden would look since your point of view?
What scenic play you would agree to perform in botanical garden?
How botanical garden function? Are there employees of any unusual professions, for instance, cartographers, who develop the maps of botanical garden in every time of the year, employees who describe the appearance of plants in intention to reconstruct their image several thousands years later by description, designers by image of stones of alpine and rocks in botanical garden?
Would you organize engraving of verses on stones that decorate mountains in the garden?
Would it change since your point of view the quality of sound in the garden?
Are unusual poetic researches in botanical garden performed, such as songs and manner of singing of which songs of birds are appreciated by flowering trees the most. Would you like to tell about such achievements?
With how many countries do you collaborate and how do you cooperate?
What would be the exhibition that you would allow to conduct in botanical garden?
What the most gentle happened in botanical garden about what you could say to public in intention to force people not to be afraid to visit botanical garden even in most grievous situations?
Is there anything about botanical garden that almost everybody in the city knows, but isn't known abroad, for instance, there was invented the design of fabric the most appreciated by modern designers or the collection of jewels?
Who manage the direction of design of tablets? Is this person and his or her activity in botanical garden belongs to industry and field of design?
Could you every season describe botanical garden by different epithets?
In which phrases it can be described eternally?
How do you think what a book about flowers could read a statue?
How do you think what a book about flowers would like to read a cat?
Could it be said that your vision in description of plants belongs to the conception of aesthetics in landscape?
Do you collaborate with technical high schools that answer on questions about physics of plants?
How botanical garden looks in winter?
Is it being cleared out from snow in winter?
How snow in winter smell in botanical garden? Does it smell by flowers? Does it contain petals of flowers? What do you do with such snow?
original copyright © ∞ Olga Gubanova 2018
application to include the interview in archive was sent.
Who is your favorite photographer? Could you tell us about your favorite photograph?
September 27, 2018
original copyright © ∞ Olga Gubanova 2018
application to include the interview in archive was sent.
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