© Paolo Pellegrin / Magnum Photos 2005
We were given the honor and the privilege to work with The Saint Petersburg Photographer Magazine. I am an attentive observer of their work for at least two years. Jonathan Barnbrook once said that work you wanted to do would find you, but you had to show the work you wanted to do in the first place. Happy that several of so many existing trajectories have finally intersected. I am so grateful that they have finally found me.
Please, have a look, read it, like it, share it. It is in Russian, but I believe you do can read it. The article is dedicated to Paolo Pellegrin.
Three apples fell from the heavens, the first one went to the writer, other one to a reader, the last one to the person who understood. It usually happens in this way in Armenian fairy tales.
Друзья, журнал Петербургский фотограф, статусное петербургское издание, опубликовал мою статью “Паоло Пеллегрин. Конвергенция Желаний”. Если вы пока ещё не видели эту страницу, я рекомендую пройти по ссылке.
И мне нравится эта фраза: как всегда, с неба упали три яблока; одно досталось тому, кто написал, другое — тому, кто прочитал, третье — тому, кто понял. Она почти что из старинной армянской сказки.