
Mihail Chemiakin's interesting citation

Mihail Chemiakin's citation

“Мы привыкли к тому, что если кто-то ведет себя нормально, по-человечески, уже говорят: 'Какая смелость'. А никакой смелости нет, просто человек остается человеком”.


Olga Gubanova. Essay. Purple

Olga Gubanova's poetry. Purple<br /> О Верблибене на английском

Transparent colour
with splashes of grey
inside its different layers.
When the temperature
is minus twenty eight and
is continuing falling
for several minutes
after a sunset
concrete becomes purple-grey.
The south wing
of the city
is formed from cocrete cubicles.
And these all firstly turns purple,
then grey.
A winter with the purple taste.
Every winter here.
July 23, 2014

original copyright © ∞ Olga Gubanova 2014


The Saint Petersburg Photographer Magazine about the winners of Prix de la Photographie, Paris (Px3)

The Saint Petersburg Photographer Magazine about nine Russian Px3 winners and Olga Gubanova's “Brittle Marble”

The Saint Petersburg Photographer Magazine, an elite magazine about art of photography, published an article about “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) and the winners of this year. Now you can read the detailed information about the famous international photography competition and news about “Brittle Marble”, which was bestowed by silver and bronze awards, also in Russian.

Журнал Петербургский фотограф, статусное петербургское издание, опубликовал статью о «Prix de la Photographie, Paris» (Px3) и о победителях этого года. Теперь вы можете прочитать подробную информацию об известном международном конкурсе фотографии и новости о том, что моя фотография «Хрупкий мрамор» была награждена серебряной и бронзовой наградой, также на русском языке.


Olga Gubanova's photograph Brittle Marble was awarded by silver and bronze in The Prix de la Photographie, Paris (Px3)

Olga Gubanova's “Brittle Marble” is awarded by silver and bronze in The Prix de la Photographie, Paris (Px3) in categories Fine Art and Nature. “Streams of Particles” won Honorable Mention in the category Advertising.

I am incredibly happy to inform engaged in my creative struggle people that I am one of the winners of the prestigious international photography competition in France.
My work “Brittle Marble”, 2013 was bestowed by silver and bronze awards in the eight edition of The “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) in categories Fine Art and Nature. The series “Streams of Particles”, 2013 was awarded by Honorable Mention in the category Advertising.

The prestigious competition “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” (Px3) is one of the highest honors in the photographic world.
Historically Paris Photography Prize (Px3) is a younger sister of The International Photography Awards. It was created by the founders of IPA in 2008, since then Px3 became one of the most important European Photography competitions. “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” strives to promote the appreciation of photography, to discover emerging talents and to introduce photographers from around the world to the artistic community of Paris.

The contest is judged and attentively curated by the international decision-makers and opinion-formers of the photography industry. The criteria are equal, the procedure is statistically clear, the list of the jury is open.
8th edition of Px3 was juried by: Carol Johnson, Curator of Photography of Library of Congress, Washington D.C.; Gilles Raynaldy, Director of Purpose, Paris; Viviene Esders, Expert pres la Cour d'Appel de Paris; Mark Heflin, Director of American Illustration + American Photography, New York; Sara Rumens, Lifestyle Photo Editor of Grazia Magazine, London; Francoise Paviot, Director of Galerie Francoise Paviot, Paris; Chrisitine Ollier, Art Director of Filles du Calvaire, Paris; Natalie Johnson, Features Editor of Digital Photographer Magazine, London; Natalie Belayche, Director of Visual Delight, Paris; Kenan Aktulun, VP/Creative Director of Digitas, New York; Chiara Mariani, Photo Editor of Corriere della Sera Magazine, Italy; Arnaud Adida, Director of Acte 2 Gallery/Agency, Paris; Jeannette Mariani, Director of 13 Sevigne Gallery, Paris; Bernard Utudjian, Director of Galerie Polaris, Paris; Agnes Voltz, Director of Chambre Avec Vues, Paris; and Alice Gabriner, World Picture Editor of Time Magazine, New York.
In this year the distinguishing jury selected PX3 2014's winners from thousands of photography entries from over 85 countries.
Series of Winners 2014, Mohammad Ali Berno, Photographer of Year, “The Last Moment”, and Giorgio Bianchi, Best New Talent, “Battle in Kiev”, convey powerful and sad and it seems timeless messages.

Bestowed by silver and bronze awards photograph “Brittle Marble” will be published in the high-quality, full-color Px3 Annual Book in France. My name also will be included in the separate chapter of the book with the names of the recipients of the Honorable Mentions. After “Best of Photography 2013” which was printed in the US in 2013 it will be the second book with my photographic work.

I would like to congratulate and to thank colleagues photographers and visual artists whose works and texts I am contemplating and reading with the greatest interest and admiration and who undeniably are strong and talented company which describes and gradually, but inevitably changes this world. We have painted a picture together, have published a strange form of book every element of which of different genres and styles conveys meaning, mosaic of eminent intellectual depth, photograph of condition of reality through a flying-dragon's eyes.

I would like to thank organizers for perfect organization. Reading about the procedure and seeing the final exquisite selection, which is able not only form tendencies, but refined taste, I must admit that PX3 do accomplish every component of its mission: it promotes the appreciation of photography, discovers emerging talents and introduces to the artistic community photographers from around the globe.
I would like to thank all the jurors for their time and attention, devotion and love to their profession. It is great honor to be noticed by masters, experts of the top level and renowned curators. I am happy to be associated with “Prix de la Photographie, Paris” brand. It is a privilege to have the opportunity to place PX3 winner's logo on my page.

“Brittle Marble”
“Streams of Particles”

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